Lecturer Dr. Margareta Simina STANC
Personal Information
Surename/First name: STANC Margareta Simina
Address: Bd. Carol I, 11, 700506 Iaşi, România
Telephone: (004)0232201527
E-mail: simina.stanc@uaic.ro
Nationality: Romanian
Date of birth: 07.05.1973
Employment: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Faculty of
Doctoral Thesis: Archaeozoological Researches for the IV-Xth centuries A.D. concerning the Eastern and the Southern extra-Carpathian areas of Romania, 2005, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi.
Paleontological and archaeological specialization (10.05.1999 - 25.05.1999) at Ecole Wallonne de fouilles prehistoriques "Philippe-Charles Schmerling" in Liege (Belgia) (International School of Prehistoric Excavation on Belle Roche site). International Summer School in Archaeozoology and Paleobiology, 26 June -6 July 2001, Faculty of Biology, Iasi, Romania.
Personal Skills
Native language: Romanian. Other languages: French, English
Professional Skills
Comparative Anatomy; Archeozoology, Human Anatomy
Organizational/ Managerial Skills
Coordinator of research teams - Director of research projects (see the list). Member in International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) from 2002. Member in GMPCA (Groupe des Methodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant a l`Archeologie), from 2011. Member EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), from 2012. Member in editorial board for Analele Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, seria Biologie animală (BDI, CNCSIS B+). Member in steering committee of scientific meetings (7th Meeting of the Bird Working Group (BWG) of ICAZ in Iaşi, Romania, 27th August to 1st September 2012; Annual Session of Faculty of Biology of Iasi.
Teaching skills
Courses of lectures and tutorials: Human Anatomy; Comparative Anatomy, Archaeozoology; Anthropology, Paleontology.
University Manuals: Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Neagu A., 2002, Elemente de Anatomie comparată a animalelor, vol. I, Editura Pim, 125 p.; Co-author for Archaeozoology and Palaeozoology Summercourses, 2001-2002; 2002-2003, Editura Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi; Stanc S., Anatomia și igiena omului, Curs pentru Învățământ la Distanță; Stanc S., Anatomia și igiena omului, Lucrări practice pentru Învățământ la Distanță. Teaching Motilities: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groninger Instituut voor Archeology (23-29 September 2006); Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spania, June 2007, 1-7 May 2008, July 2011, June 2013, May 2015.
Research Skills
Research Domains: Archaeozoology, Comparative Anatomy
Director of Research Projects
Grant CNCSIS At, Archaeozoological research of the sites from 4-10 centuries in the Eastern Romania, 2003-2004.
Grant CNCSIS At, Archaeozoological studies for the communities of the first millenium A.D. from the territory between the Danube and the Black Sea and the connections with the central and south-east European space, 2007-2008.
PN II, Resurse umane, TE, 2011-2014, Relationships between humans and suines in prehistorical and historical time on Romania`s territory and connection with European and Asian spaces Proiect cu titlul Colonizarea periferiei (Moesia Inferior și Scythia Minor - secolele I-VI p.Hr.): o abordare bioarheologică a romanizării; acronim BIOARHEOROMAN, cod PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0852, contract de finantare nr. 73/12.07.2017.
Member in the Teams of Research Projects
Grant CNCSIS tip A 35252/2001-2003, 23/972, Archaeozoology of Medieval Moldavia. (Director Dr.Bejenaru L.). Grant CNCSIS tip A, 2004-2006, Medieval Archaeozoology of the territory between Da- nube and Black Sea, and its connexions with the central and south-east European Space. (Director Dr. Bejenaru L.). Grant CNCSIS tip A 1374/2007-2008, Pluridisciplinary studies on the spreading and evolution of the agricultural way of life in he Neolithic (VI-IV millenia B.C.), east to eastern Carpathians. (Director Dr.Bejenaru L.). Project PN II, Idei, cod CNCSIS 2116/2009-2011, Modelling of the Neolithic migrations in the eastern and south-eastern territories of Romania, from an archaeozoological perspective. (Director Dr.Bejenaru L.). CEEX PC-D06-PT12-19, 2005-2008, Utilisation of biochemical, ultrastructural, structural and morphological biomarkers, in the evaluation of the human impact on the biodiversity in the Ceahlau National Park and the proximity area. Director Dr. I. Toma. CNCSIS Platforme, 36/2006-2008, Platform for education and interdisciplinary research in archaeology (ARHEOINVEST). General Director Prof. Dr. V. Spinei. International Programm Leonardo da Vinci, RO/05/B/P/PP175010, European Curriculum for Methodological Training in the Field of Environmental Education, 2006-2007. CNCSIS A 641/2003-2005, Bioindicators utilisation in the ecological management of the versant basin of Bicaz Lake. Director Prof. dr. I. Miron. Development of Research Laboratories: Development of the Laboratory of Archaeozoology Development of the Laboratory of Archaeogenetics.
Invited Lectures in international programs
"Animal offerings found in tombs, in burial places belonging to Sântana of Mureş-Cerniahov culture (the IV-Vth centuries) in the east and the south extra-Carpathian zones of Romania" - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groninger Instituut voor Archeology (September 2006). "Archaeozoological researches in Romania" - Faculty of Science, Vigo University, Spain (May 2008) Steering of scientific meetings National Symposium Archaeobotanical and archaeozoological research in Romania, Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, filial of Iaşi, November 25, 2005. 7th Bird Working Group (ICAZ) Meeting, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, August 27 - September 01, 2012. Archaeozoology and paleozoology summercourses, Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza", Iasi, 2002, 2003. Sesiunea Ştiinţifică cu participare internaţională "Diversitate structurală şi funcţională în organizarea biologică", 7-8 octombrie 2011, Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi, România. 11th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group, 23-28 May 2016, "Al.I. Cuza" University of Iași.
Participations in International Scientific Meetings
The 9th Conference of ICAZ, University of Durham (UK), 23-28 august 2002. Conferinta internationala Arheologie bisericeasca: cercetarea, restaurarea si conservarea ambientatilor crestine, Sevastopol, Ucraina, 24 - 26 septembrie 2002 Sesiunea stiintifica anuala a Muzeului National de Istorie a Moldovei, Chisinau, 29-30 octombrie 2002. The 13th Fish Remains Working Group Meeting, Basle/August, Elvetia, octombrie 2005 Simpozionul international Etnic contacts and cultural exchanges north and west of the Black Sea, 12-17 iunie 2005, Iasi. International Council of Archaeozoology 10th Conference, Escuela Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museografía, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico, august 23-28, 2006. The 6th meeting of the worked bone research group / ICAZ, 27-31 August 2007, Nanterre (Franţa). 14th ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group Meeting, XXVIIIe Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes, 18-20 Octombrie, 2007, Antibes (Franţa) 6th ICAZ. Bird Working Group Meeting, 23-27august 2008, Groningen, Netherlands 3rd. Symposium of Environmental Archaeology-Archeozoological research in Poland and Middle-East Europe, Data-Methods-Interpretation, 26-29 November 2008, Katowice-Koszecin, Polonia. The Third International Symposium of the Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro (ISEM3), 8 - 12 Octombrie 2008, Herceg Novi, Muntenegru. The 15th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG), September 3-9, 2009 in Poznan & Torun, Poland. 4th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro (ISEM 4), Budva, Montenegro, 6 - 10 October, 2010. 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference, Paris, 23-28 August 2010 XVIIIe Colloque d`archeometrie du GMPCA, 11-15 Avril, 2011, Liege, Belgique XVI. Congresso da Sociedade de Arqueologia Brasileira (SAB), XVI Congress of the Union International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (Uispp), 4-10 Setembro, Florianópolis/Sc, Brasil. Workshop international Economie alimentaire et alimentation à l'Age du Bronze en Europe : aspects pluridisciplinaires « ECOALIM » 8-9 novembre 2011, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (MMSH), Aix en Provence, France. The Third Annual Zoological Congress of "Grigore Antipa" Museum (CZGA 2011), 23-25 November 2011, Bucuresti. International Scientific Session "The human impact on biodiversity in Black Sea area", 21th and 22th october 2011, Agigea-Constanta, Romania A XLV sesiune ştiinţifică internaţională "Pontica. Multiculturalitate în spaţiul Danubiano - Pontic", 10 - 12 octombrie 2012, Muzeul de istorie naţională şi arheologie Constanta. The fourth Annual Zoological Congress of "Grigore Antipa" Museum, 21-23 november 2012, Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History, Bucharest, Romania. Colocviul international "Impactul antropic asupra mediului natural în neo-eneoliticul sud-est european", 24-26 octombrie 2012, Muzeul de Istorie si Arheologie Piatra-Neamt. Second Arheoinvest Congress, Interdisciplinary research in Archaeology, 7-9 June 2012, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi. 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry: "50 years of ISA", Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 28 May - 1 June, 2012. 5th Archaeozoology and Genetics ICAZ Working Group, 4 - 6 June 2012, Institute for Prehistory and Archaeological Science IPAS Basel, Switzerland. 2nd ICAZ Taphonomy Working Group meeting "Taphonomy and archaeozoological research: recent approaches", 12th - 14th September, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Association for Environmental Archaeology Autumn Conference 2012, Environmental Archaeologies of Neolithisation, University of Reading, United Kingdom, 9-12 November 2012. 7th World Archaeological Congress in Amman, Jordania, (14th-18th January 2013). Environmental and Archaeological Science Conference AEA & UKAS 2013, Cardiff University, 11th-14th April 2013. 9th meeting of Worked Bone Research Group, Henan Administration of Cultural Heritage, and the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in Zhengzhou City, Henan province, China, 14-20 April 2013. XIXe Colloque du GMPCA, 22 - 26 AVRIL 2013 Caen, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie - France. The fifth international conference of the ICAZ Animal Palaeopathology Working Group, 31 May- 2 June 2013, University of Stockholm, Sweden. Third Arheoinvest Congress, Interdisciplinary research in Archaeology, 6-8 June 2013, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 4-8 septembrie 2013, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Republica Cehă. AEA (Association for Environmental Archaeology) Autumn Conference, Social space and environment: landscape reconstruction in environmental archaeology, 27-29 septembrie 2013, Kiel University, Germania. A XLVI. Sesiune Internaţională a Muzeului de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanţa. Pontica. 3-4 octombrie 2013. V International Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro (ISEM5), Tivat, 2-5 octombrie 2013. The Fifth Annual Zoological Congress of "Grigore Antipa" Museum (CZGA 2013), 20-23 November 2013, "Ion Heliade Rădulescu" Amphitheatre of the Romanian Academy, Bucuresti. 6th ICAZ - Archaeozoology, Genetics and Morphometrics Working Group Meeting, 28 -28 March 2014, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Fifth International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry, LRCW 5: Alexandria (Egypt), 6-10 April 2014. International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA) at the University of Basel, Switzerland. 27-30 August 2014 10th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group of the International Council of Zooarchaeology, Beograd, 25-30 August 2014. Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, Istanbul (10-14.09.2014). 12th International Conference of Archaeozoology San Rafael (ICAZ), 22-27 septembrie 2014, Argentina, Museo de Historia Natural de San Rafael. Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, Glasgow 2015. 11th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group, 23-28 May 2016, "Al.I. Cuza" University of Iași. The 9th International Zoological Congress of "Grigore Antipa" Museum (CZGA 2017), 22-25 November 2017, Bucharest, Romania. IVth International Archaeological Colloquium "Roman Ceramic and Glass Manufactures. Production and Trade in the Adriatic and Beyond", Crikvenica, Croația, 8-9 noiembrie, 2017. 9th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, 5-9 November 2017, Xanadu Resort, Belek, Antalya, Turkey. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro - ISEM 7, 4-7 October 2017, Sutomore, Montenegro. Interdisciplinarity in Archeology. Methods of research, scientific, and cultural impact, Crihana Veche (Cahul), 28-30 iulie 2017. Conferinţa ştiinţifică anuală Arheologie. Istorie. Muzeologie, ediţia a XXVII-a, Chişinău, 19-20 octombrie 2017, Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei (Republica Moldova). Zilele Academice Ieșene (ediția 32-a). Antropologia o abordare interdisciplinară, 20 octombrie 2017, Centrul de cercetări Antropologice "Olga Necrasov" Iași. Internațional Symposium - Unguentarium. A Terracotta Vessel Form and Other Related Vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Mediterranean, May 17-18, 2018 - Izmir, Turkey. International Scientific Conference Everyday Life in the East-European Space from Antiquity to the Present: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 29-30 October 2018 Chișinău, Republica Moldova. The 10th edition of the International Scientific Conference: Cultural Heritage: Research, Valorisation, Promotion (a X-a ediție a Conferinței Științifice Internaționale: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare), Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, 30-31 Mai 2018. Sesiunea Științifică Anuală a Studenților Naturaliști, Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iași, 25-26 mai 2018. 13th ICAZ International Conference, Middle East Technical University, 2-7 September 2018, Ankara, Turkey. Zilele Academice Ieşene ediţia a XXXIII-a. Sesiunea de comunicări științifice Antropologia - o abordare interdisciplinară, Academia Română - Filiala Iași, 17 octombrie 2018.
Scientific Publications
Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Neagu A., 2002, Elemente de anatomie comparata a animalelor, Editura Pim, Iasi.
Stanc Simina, 2006, Relatiile omului cu lumea animala. Arheozoologia secolelor IV-X pentru zonele extracarpatice de est si de sud ale Romaniei, Edit.Univ."Al.I.Cuza", Iasi, 297 pag.
Stanc Simina, 2009, Arheozoologia primului mileniu d.Hr. pentru teritoriul cuprins între Dunăre şi Marea Neagră, Editura Universităţii "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi.
Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2013. Arheozoologia neoliticului din estul şi sud-estul României, Editura Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi.
Nuțu George, Stanc Simina, Stan Diana Andreea, 2014, Carved bone and antler from northern Dobruja in archaeological and archaeozoological context, Editura Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iași.
Nuțu George, Stanc Simina Margareta, Paraschiv Dorel, 2014, Niculițel. A Roman Rural Settlement in North-East Moesia Inferior. Archaeological & Archaeozoological Research, Parthenon Verlag, Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen.
Boghian Dumitru, Enea Sergiu-Constantin, Ignătescu Sorin, Bejenaru Luminița, Stanc Simina Margareta, 2014, Comunitățile cucuteniene din zona Târgului Frumos. Cercetări interdisciplinare în siturile de la Costești și Giurgești, Editura Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iași.
Articles, in journals Web of Science
Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Zamfirescu St., 2010, Wild Mammals from the Middle Ages in Romania. Archaeofauna: International Journal of Archaeozoology, 19, p. 121-131. Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Popovici M., Balasescu A., Cotiuga V., 2013, Holocene subfossil records of the auroch (Bos primigenius) in Romania. The Holocene, 23 (4), p. 603-614 (factor impact 3,218).
Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Popovici M., Balasescu A., 2015, Beavers (Castor fiber) in the Past: Holocene Archaeological Evidence for beavers in Romania, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 25 (4), p. 375-391 (factor impact 1,085).
Stanc, M.S., Bejenaru, L., 2014, Domestic Mammals in Eastern Romania during the Early Middle Ages, Quaternary International, 346, p. 131-137 (factor impact 2,128).
Gal E., Stanc S., 2014, Bird Bone Remains from the 11th and 12th Centuries Settlement of Piatra Frecatei (Dobrudja, Romania) in the Context of Early Medieval Sites in Southeast Romania. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology , 24 (3), p. 417-423 (factor impact 1,07).
Bejenaru Luminiţa, Bodi George, Stanc Simina, Danu Mihaela, 2014 - Middle Holocene Landscape to the East of Carpathians: Bioarchaeological Considerations on the Chalcolithic Site of Hoisești (Iași County, Romania), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, November 2014, Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 121 - 128 (factor impact 0,727)
Bejenaru L., Danu M., Stanc S., 2016, Overall Evaluation of Biological Remains Discovered in the Chalcolithic site (Cucuteni Culture, Vth-IVth Millennia CAL B.C.) of Costești (Iași County, Romania). International Journal of Conservation Science, 7/1, January-March, p. 93-100.
S. Rafailă-Stanc, G. Nuţu, 2017, Worked bone and antler from Halmyris: An insight on everyday life of a frontier post of Scythia, Quaternary International, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.10.040).
Lumința Bejenaru, George Bodi, Simina Stanc, Mihaela Danu, 2018, Middle Holocene subsistence East of the Romanian Carpathians: Bioarchaeological data from the Chalcolithic site of Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru, The Holocene, 28 (10): 1653- 1663, DOI 10.1177/0959683618782609
Articles, in journals BDI, CNCSIS B+
1. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, 2001, L'évaluation d'âge de sacrifice et des données méthriques concernant les animaux exploités dans l'établissement de Poiana - Suceava (VIIIéme - IXéme siècles), Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, T. XLVII, pag. 171-180.
2. Leonov Silvia, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2001, Morphologic aspects of postpharingeal digestive tract at Corvus frugileus (Corvidae) in ontogenesis, Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, T. XLVII, pag. 161-169.
3. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Anca Neagu, Leonov Silvia, 2002, L`analyse des restes de faune provenant du site archeozoologique de Todireşti (le departement de Suceava), Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, T. XLVIII, p. 233-240.
4. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2002, La peche dans certains habitats medievaux sur le territoire de la Roumanie: donnees archeozoologiques, Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, T. XLVIII, p. 226-232.
5. Leonov Silvia, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2002, Morphologic aspects of the bucco-pharyngeal cavity on some species of birds, Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, T. XLVIII, p. 248-259.
6. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, 2003, Archaeozoologic study of fauna remaines at the Poiana settlement (VIIIth-IXth centuries), în Studia antiqua et archaeologica, IX, Edit. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi, pag. 405-416.
7. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2004, Archaeozoological data concerning the hunting of the deers in medieval Moldavia, în Studia antiqua et archaeologica, X, Edit. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iaşi, pag. 191-200.
8. Stanc S., Radu V., Bejenaru L., 2006, Fishing in the Byzantine fortress of Oltina: Archaeozoological data, Analele Univ.Al.I.Cuza Iasi, seria biologie animala, LII, 273-279.
9. Stanc S., Luminiţa Bejenaru, 2008, Fishing in the territory between the Danube and the Black Sea, in the IV-XVIIth centuries: archaeozoological data, Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, s. Biologie animală, LIV, 273-277.
10. Stanc S., Luminita Bejenaru, 2008, Diversity of the Wild Mammals, Hunted in the Medieval Settlements on the Romania`s Territory, Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica, 7(3), 337-351 (www.pmcg.co.me/Natura_Montenegrina.html).
11. Cavaleriu R., Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, 2008, Morphometric data concerning animal species identified in sites of Cucuteni Culture, phase A, Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, s. Biologie animală, LIV, 279-295.
12. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminita, 2009, Archaeozoological analysis of a sample of Roman period of the site, Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, Tom LV, pag. 229-234.
13. Bejenaru L., Oleniuc C., Stanc S., 2009, A faunal assemblage from the chalcolithic settlement of Poduri - Dealul Ghindaru (Bacău County). Preliminary data on subsistence patterns associated with Cucuteni-phase B level, Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, LV, 223-227
14. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Popovici Mariana, 2010, The importance of Bos taurus species (artiodactyla: Bovidae) in paleoeconomy, from prehistory until the middle ages, on the romanian territory, Analele Şt. ale Univ."Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, LVI, 219-236.
15. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminita, 2010, Sheep and goat valuation in the communities of the Santana Of Mures-Cernjachov Culture (4th-5th Centuries) identified on the territory of Romania, Revista Arheologică, Chişinău, VI, 2, 165-169 (indexată Kubon & Sagner, https://www.kubon-sagner.de/buch/neu/190_2008_03.html).
16. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, Cavaleriu Romeo, 2011, Preliminary analysis of an archaeozoological assemblage discovered in the Cucuteni B settlement from Sărata-Monteoru (Buzău County), Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, s. Biologie animală, LVII, 141-145.
17. Popovici Mariana, Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, 2011. Prehistoric cattle (Bos taurus) - A metric study of skeletal remains discovered in archaeological sites of Cucuteni A culture. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, s. Biol. animală, LVII, 147-155.
18. Gorgan Lucian, Stefan Andrei, Bejenaru Luminita, Cavaleriu Romeo, Stanc Simina, 2011. Preliminary study of molecular variability for neolithic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) from Romania using the cytochrome b. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Sectiunea Genetica si Biologie Moleculara, XII(2), 59-64.
19. Bacumencu-Pîrnău L., Amăriuţei M.C., Bejenaru L., Stanc S., 2012, Aspects of Animal Husbandry and Meat Consumption in Southern Moldova (the Second Half of 18th Century) Case Study: Domain of Boyars Conachi. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, vol. 69 (1-2): 175-184. ISSN: 1843-5262. ISI-Zoological Record, https://journals.usamvcj.ro/zootehnie/issue/archive.
20. Stanc S., Bejenaru L., Bacumencu-Pîrnău L., 2012, Domestic Mammals in the Diet of Medieval Communities in South-Eastern Romania. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, vol. 69 (1-2): 203-207. ISSN: 1843-5262. ISI-Zoological Record, https://journals.usamvcj.ro/zootehnie/issue/archive.
21. Stanc S., Bejenaru L., 2012. Animal resources exploited at the beginning of the second millennium in the area between the Danube and the Black Sea: archaeozoological data. Istros, 18, 535-545.
22. Stanc Simina, Bordea Gina, 2012. Archaeozoological analysis of the sample originated from the Piatra Frecăţei site (XI-XIIth centuries). Analele Stiintifice ale Universitătii "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. Biol. animală, LVIII: 167-170.
23. Stanc Simina, Popovici Mariana, 2012. Morphometric aspects for Sus scrofa domesticus identified in settlements of IVth-Xth centuries from eastern and south-eastern Romania. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitătii "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. Biologie animală, LVIII: 159-166.
24. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminita, 2013. Animal resources exploited in settlements of the 2nd-7th centuries in the area between Danube and Black Sea: archaeozoological data. Istros, 19 (ERIH B): 389-409.
25. Popovici, Simina Stanc, 2013. An osteometric survey of pig (Sus domesticus) in Bronze Age settlements on Romania's territory. Analele Științifice ale Universității "Al. I. Cuza" Iași, s. Biologie animală, LIX: 93-99.
26. Luca Monica, Stanc Simina, 2014 - Animal resources exploited in the Răcari settlement (Dolj County): archaeozoological and archaeogenetical data / Exploatarea resurselor animale în aşezarea de la Răcari (judeţul Dolj): date arheozoologice și arheogenetice, Istros, 20, p. 411-426, ISSN 1453 - 6943 (ERIH B)
27. Simina Stanc, Valentin Radu, Monica Luca, 2014 - A faunal assemblage from the Iron-Age site of Niculițel (Babadag culture): archaeozoologic and archaeogenetic data, Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, XX, Iasi, p. 133-151. ISSN 1224-2284 (CNCSIS B+)
28. Popovici Mariana, Stanc Simina, 2014 - Frequency of Swine (Sus domesticus and Sus scrofa) in the Bronze Age Settlements on the Territory of Romania, Analele științifice ale Universității "Al.I.Cuza" Iași, Seria Biologie Animală, LX, p. 53-58, ISSN 1224-581X (CNCSIS B+)
29. Bejenaru L., Bacumenco-Pîrnău L., Stanc S., 2014. Consideraţii privind importanţa porcului domestic (Sus domesticus) în economia alimentară a Moldovei medievale. Revista Arheologică, serie nouă, Vol. X, nr. 1-2, 2014, p. 271-289.
30. Sîrbu V., Cernău I., Cernea C., Neagu M., Vlad Fl., Ștefan D., Ștefan M.M., Stanc S., 2014, Cercetările arheologice de la Crăsanii de Jos, Piscul Crasani (Com Balaciu, jud. Ialomița). Campania 2013. Epoca geto-dacă, Istros, 20, pag. 207-257.
31. Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi, Florin Topoleanu, Florian Mihail, Mihai Constantinescu, Simina Rafailă-Stanc, Oliver Livanov, 2017, Aşezarea din perioada timpurie a epocii fierului de la Niculiţel-Cornet, jud. Tulcea. Cercetările arheologice din anul 2000, PEUCE, S.N. XV, p. 175-278.
32. Simina Margareta Stanc, Vasile Diaconu, Luminiţa Bejenaru, 2018, Resurse animale pentru economia comunităţilor Culturii Noua (epoca bronzului): studiu de caz privind aşezarea de la Crasnaleuca (judeţul Botoşani, România), Tyragetia, Vol. XII(XXVII) nr. 1, ISSN 1857-0240. (ERIH PLUS)
33. Mariana POPOVICI, Simina STANC, Luminița BEJENARU, 2016, Pig (Sus Domesticus) in Chalcolithic Settlements from Eastern Romania: A Morphometric Approach, Analele Științifice ale Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași, s. Biologie animală, Tom LXII, 149-154.
34. Simina STANC, George NUTU, 2016, Animal Resources Exploitation in the Roman Settlement from Niculițel: Archaeozoological Data, Analele Științifice ale Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași, s. Biologie animală, Tom LXII, 155-160.
35. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Popovici Mariana, 2017. Biometric separation of domestic pig (Sus domesticus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) remains identified in sites of IXth-XIIIth centuries AD from South-Eastern Romania, Peuce S.N. 15, 295-304.
36. Ruxandra Alaiba, Simina Stanc, 2008, Banca Gară, punctul "Şapte Case", judeţul Vaslui. Locuinţe din secolele III-IV (Banca Gară, endroit "Şapte Case", département de Vaslui. Habitations des IIIe-IVe siècles), Arheologia Moldovei, 31.
37. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Leonov Silvia, 2000, The comparative analysis of the osteometric data of the domestic mammals from two sites of the IVth century of Moldavia, în Studii şi Cercetări ştiinţifice, 5, serie nouă, Universitatea Bacău, pag. 143-145. ISSN 1224-919 X
38. Leonov Silvia Doina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2001, Aspecte macrobiometrice privind dezvoltarea guşei în ontogeneză la unele specii de păsări, în Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, T. VIII, pag. 165-172.
39. Leonov Silvia Doina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2001, Morphologic aspects of postpharingeal digestive tract on Strix aluco (Strigidae) in ontogenesis, în Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice, 6, seria Biologie, Universitatea Bacău, pag. 103-107.
40. Leonov S., Chetroiu R., Bejenaru L., Stanc S., 2004, Congenital cardiopathy in infancy and childhood, in the departement of Vrancea, în Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice, 9, seria Biologie, Universitatea Bacău, pag. 211-214.
41. Stanc S., 2009, Studiul materialului faunistic descoperit în aşezarea de la Lazuri - Lubi Tag (judeţul Satu Mare), Marmatia, 9/1, Baia Mare, 183-198.
42. Stanc Simina, 2005, Studiul arheozoologic al materialului prelevat de la Slava Rusă (Baza 3), Peuce, serie nouă II (XV) (2004), Tulcea, pag. 311-328. ISBN 973-9751-22-0.
Articles in Proceedings of International Conferences
1. Stanc Simina, Bejenaru Luminiţa, 2003, Analiza comparată a unor eşantioane arheozoologice (judeţele Suceava şi Botoşani), Tyragetia, XII, Muzeul Naţional de Istorie al Moldovei, Chişinău, p. 80-84. ISBN 9975-9667-5-6
2. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Bacumenco Ludmila, Stanc Simina, 2003, Date arheozoologice privind complexul medieval Orheiul Vechi, Tyragetia, XII, Muzeul Naţional de Istorie al Moldovei, Chişinău, p. 85-91. ISBN 9975-9667-5-6
3. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2003, Developpment de la recherche archeozoologique: donnees specifques, în Χристиансkое наследие византии и руси, Simferopol, Ucraina, pag. 106-112. ISBN 966-8048-06-7
4. Stanc Simina, Luminiţa Bejenaru, 2003, La necropole de Miorcani appartenant a la culture Sântana de Mureş - Cerniahov: donnees archeozoologiques, în Χристиансkое наследие византии и руси, Simferopol, Ucraina, pag. 84-89. ISBN 966-8048-06-7
5. Stanc Simina, 2003, Manufacturing of red deer antlers and bones. Case-study concerning some moldavian settlements in the IV-Xth centuries, Archaeozoology and paleozoology summercourses, Edit.Univ. "Al.I. Cuza", Iaşi, p. 109-119. ISSN 1221-9363
6. Stanc S., Bejenaru L., 2004, Animal offerings found in Necropoleis belonging to Santana of Mures-Cerniahov culture from the east and the south extra-Carpathian Zones of Romania, in Behaviour Behind Bones: The zooarchaeology of ritual, religion, status and identity, edited by Sharyn Jones O'Day, Wim Van Neer, Anton Ervynck, Oxbow Books, Marea Britanie, pag. 14-19. ISBN 1-84217-113-5
7. Bejenaru L., Tarcan C., Stanc S., 2004, Hunting in Medieval Moldavia: archaeozoological data, in Lauwerier, R. and Plug, I. (eds.), The Future from the Past. Archaeozoology in wild live conservation and heritage management. Oxbow Press, Oxford, Marea Britanie, p. 97-102.
8. Stanc Simina, 2004, Objects made of bones and red deer antlers found in settlements and necropoles of the IV-X centuries in the south and east of Romania, Archaeozoology and paleozoology summercourses, Edit.Univ. "Al.I. Cuza", Iaşi, pag. 113-130. ISSN 1221-9363
9. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2004, Archaoezoological identification: diversity of animal remains, Archaeozoology and paleozoology summercourses, Edit.Univ. "Al.I. Cuza", Iaşi, pag. 47-66. ISSN 1221-9363
10. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2005, Archaeozoological Characteristics of the Byzantine Period with Reference to Area between the Danube and the Black Sea, în Etnic contacts and cultural exchanges north and west of the Black Sea", Editura Trinitas, Iaşi, p. 471-479. ISBN 973-7834-37-2
11. Bejenaru Luminita., Stanc Simina, Tarcan Carmen, Fishing in the territory of today`s Romania in the middle ages, 2007, in Plogmann H.H. (ed.) The role of fish in ancient time, Basel, pag. 101-106.
12. Stanc Simina, Radu Valentin, Bejenaru Luminita, 2008, Analyse archeozoologique des restes de poissons provenant du site de Slava Rusă (Roumanie). In P. Bearez, S.Grouard, B. Clavel (eds.), Archéologie du poisson. 30 ans d`archeo-ichtyologie au CNRS. XXVIIIe Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes, Antibes, pag. 257-279.
13. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Bacumenco Ludmila, Stanc Simina, 2008, Information Concerning the Fish in the Historical Documents of Iaşi City (Romania), In P. Bearez, S.Grouard, B. Clavel (eds.), Archéologie du poisson. 30 ans d`archeo-ichtyologie au CNRS. XXVIIIe Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes, Antibes, 101-109
14. Stanc Simina, Radu Valentin, Bejenaru Luminita, 2009, Cyprinid fishing in Dobrudja (Romania) from prehistory to the Middle Ages, In D. Makowiecki, S. Hamilton-Dyer, I. Riddler, N. Trzaska-Nartowski & M. Makohonienko (eds.) Fishes - Culture - Environment Through Archaeoichthyology, Ethnography & History, the 15th Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG), September 3-9, 2009 in Poznan & Torun, Poland. Srodowisko I Kultura (Environment and Culture) vol. 7. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan: 108-113.
15. Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Oleniuc C., 2010, Domestic birds in the medieval settlements on the territory of Romania, in Prummel W., Zeiler J.T., Brinkhuizen D.C. (eds.), Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the ICAZ bird working group in Groningen, Groningen, 29-35.
16. Gal E., Stanc S., Bejenaru L., 2010, Bird remains from the 10th-11th century settlement of Oltina (Dobruja, Romania), in Prummel W., Zeiler J.T., Brinkhuizen D.C. (eds.), Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the ICAZ bird working group in Groningen, Groningen, 37-44.
17. Stanc S., Bejenaru L., 2012, Economic Role of Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) in Settlements of Eastern and South-Eastern Romania during the Past Two Millenia. Interdisciplinary research in archaeology. Proceedings of the first Arheoinvest Congress, Iasi, 10-11 june 2011, pag.: 107-110, BAR (British Archaeological Reports), Oxford, UK.
18. Bejenaru Luminiţa, Stanc Simina, 2012. Changes in prehistoric landscapes: archaeozoological data on Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru tell (Bacau County, Romania. In A bouquet of archaeozoological studies (Eds. Raemaekers D.C.M., Esser E., Lauwerier R.C., Zeiler J.T.), Groningen Archaeological Studies, 21, pag. 105-109, Groningen, Netherlands.
19. Stanc Simina, Radu Valentin, 2013. Exploatarea resurselor animale de către locuitorii aşezării de la Niculiţel (cultura Babadag): date arheozoologice. In - Din preistoria Dunarii de Jos. 50 de ani de la inceputul cercetarilor arheologice la Babadag (1962-2012) (eds. Ailincai S., Tarlea A., Micu C.), Editura Istros, Braila, 495-502 (ISBN 978-606-654-072-8).
20. Simina Stanc, Sorin Cristian Ailincai, 2013, Studiul preliminar asupra unui eşantion faunistic provenit din situl de la Babadag (cultura Babadag) / Preliminary Study of a Faunal Sample from Babadag Site (Babadag Culture). In - Din preistoria Dunarii de Jos. 50 de ani de la inceputul cercetarilor arheologice la Babadag (1962-2012) (eds. Ailincai S., Tarlea A., Micu C.), Editura Istros, Braila, 503-510 (ISBN 978-606-654-072-8).
21. Boghian Dumitru, Enea Sergiu-Constantin, Lazanu Ciprian-Cătălin, Bejenaru Luminița, Stanc Simina, Vasilache Viorica, Sandu Ion, Tencariu Felix-Adrian, Asăndulesei Andrei, 2013, Rezultate preliminare ale investigaţiilor interdisciplinare din situl de la Tăcuta-Dealul Miclea-"Paic" (jud. Vaslui). In - "In Memoriam Liviu Măruia" (eds. Stavilă A., Micle D., Cîntar A., Floca C., Forțiu S.), Szeged, JATEPress Kiadó, 487-508 (ISBN 978-963-315-153-2).
22. George Nutu, Simina Margareta Stanc, 2014 - Carved Bone Artefacts from a Roman Villa in Niculitel (South-East Romania), Eds. Hou Yanfeng, Wang Juan, Zooarchaeology Vol. 2, Proceedings of the 9th WBRG Conference, Zhengzhou 2013, Cultural Relics Press, Beijing, pp. 59-70.
23. George Nuțu, Simina Stanc, 2016, CARVED BONE AND ANTLER IN NORTHERN DOBRUJA, Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies: current studies in bone technologies, Belgrad, 226-235, ISBN 978-86-6439-005-7
24. L. Bacumenco-Pîrnău, L. Bejenaru, S. Rafailă-Stanc, 2018, Animal Food Resources in the Golden Horde Period. Case Study: Old Orhei (Republic of Moldova), in vol. Генуэзская Газария и Золотая Орда (editori С. Г. Бочарова și А. Г. Ситдикова), Ed. Stratum plus, Chișinău.
25. Aurel Zanoci, Simina Margareta Rafailă-Stanc, Tatiana Nagacerovschi, Vitalie Sochircă, 2018, Cercetări interdisciplinare la situl din epoca fierului Saharna Mare / "Dealul Mănăstirii" (Interdisciplinary researches at the Iron Age Site of Saharna Mare / "Dealul Mănăstirii"), în Zanoci A., Băț M., Ailincăi S.C., Țârlea A. (editori). Cercetări interdisciplinare în siturile de epoca fierului din spațiul tiso-nistrean. Materialele colloquium-ului de vară de la Saharna, 13-16 iulie 2017 (Interdisciplinary research in Iron Age sites from the Tisa-Dnister area. Proceedings of Saharna Summer Colloquium, July 13-16 2017), Tulcea-Chișinău, p. 46-65.